Want to grow in your faith or in your ministry? Check out these resources.

Keep scrolling to see 4 fantastic e-books!
The e-books below were written by gifted Pastor Jeff McKee. These are three of his most popular and enlightening books and are sure to help anyone grow in their faith and in their ministry. We hope you enjoy!

Recognizing the devil's devices and using the spiritual armor God has given to us as believers is paramount in our spiritual journey. Pastor J.K. McKee offers encouragement to the believer to take hold of the victory and power afforded by the Holy Spirit and God's Word to recognize the tactics of the enemy and press forward in faith through the victory God supplies. Jesus gives us strength, and it is up to us to walk in that victory through spiritual warfare!

Everything in life has fundamental principles. This is especially true when it comes to our Christian faith and practice. I call these 'the mechanics of faith'. This short study has been written as a handy reminder of those vital principles that are necessary for Christian service.
We will explore and apply 7 HELPS FOR THE HUNGRY SOUL. Each of these helps will build upon the previous one. AT NO TIME can any of these prosper in the life of the believer without the previous helps as its foundation. At the same time, each principle lifts us higher to accomplish the next.
- Hide in His secret place
- Hear His voice
- Heed His instruction
- Hallow His name
- Herald His coming
- Hold to His promises
- Hope in His eternal rest

Most Christians agree on the Rapture of the Church. So, the
question is not if, but when will the Rapture take place? All the
debate centers around a horrifying event that will come upon the
earth known as the Tribulation. Will the Church have to endure
the events of the Tribulation? Will the Saints of God be raptured out before, during, or after the Tribulation: pre-Tribulation, mid-
Tribulation, or post-Tribulation?
What do you believe?

As Christians, it is our biblical mandate to live differently than the rest of the world. Don’t do something just because everyone else is doing it. We have been called to be set apart from the world in ways that many times do not make sense.
I have endeavored to write this short volume simply to help the reader decipher what their Christian response should be in questionable matters. It is my sincere prayer that you may take these four simple questions and apply them to every questionable situation presented to you in life.