The PrayFull Project

The PrayFull Project

Hosted by: Pastor Jeff McKee

Are you the effective and confident Christian you should be? Most believers have no plan for spiritual growth. In these episodes, we'll dig through and apply God's Word to help you correct that. "Study to shew thyself...


Episode 67: The Only Remedy - Part 1

Season #1

At the beginning of 2023, I shared a message with our church here at Victory Assembly entitled "The Only Remedy." Considering the condition that our world is in our nation, our churches, and even our families, and all...
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Episode 66: Put No Fire Under - Part 5

Season #1

 Today we dive into part five and the final installment of this series of messages entitled "Put No Fire Under." I would encourage you to listen to the previous four podcast episodes to really get the entirety of this...
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Episode 65: Put No Fire Under - Part 4

Season #1

Today we're diving into part four of a message entitled, Put No Fire Under. Elijah told the false prophets of Bale, "Don't hide any fire under that altar. No tricks, no imitations. The God that answers by fire. Let...
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Episode 64: Put No Fire Under - Part 3

Season #1

Whether it's Pharaoh making the children of Israel gather straw to make their own bricks or Jeroboam crafting two golden calves to keep the children of Israel from worshiping at Jerusalem or even Satan, tempting Jesus...
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Episode 63: Put No Fire Under - Part 2

Season #1

Satan is after your attention. He wants you distracted from the purpose of God and he wants you wasting your time on things that don't count for eternity. In essence, he is attempting to build his kingdom, and if he...
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Episode 62: Put No Fire Under - Part 1

Season #1

There is so much deception today in modern Christianity that it's hard to tell the false from the real, but in the scripture we're going to look at today there is a clear indicator of how to know when it is real or...
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Episode 61: The Mark We Must Take - Pt. 4

Season #1

In today's episode, we are covering part four of a message entitled The Mark We Must Take. If you haven't already, I would encourage you to go back and listen to episodes one through three so that you'll be up to...
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Episode 60: The Mark We Must Take - Pt. 3

Season #1

In this episode, we're jumping into part three of a message entitled the Mark We Must Take. We must focus on the mark of Christ more than worrying about this mark of the beast. Stay tuned, and if you haven't already,...
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Episode 59: The Mark We Must Take - Pt. 2

Season #1

In this episode, we're jumping into part two of a message entitled The Mark We Must Take. Make sure you listen to part one if you haven't already.  Pastor Jeff McKee continues his message from Part 1 by talking to us...
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Episode 58: The Mark We Must Take - Pt. 1

Season #1

There's much discussion, worry, and debate about the mark of the beast as it is called in the Bible, but did you know there is a mark we must take as Christians? I encourage you to make sure you're subscribed because...
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Episode 57: Buy The Field - Part 2

Season #1

In today's episode, we're jumping into part two of a message entitled Buy The Field. I would encourage you, if you haven't already, to make sure you listen to part one of this message. It'll probably make a little bit...
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Episode 56: Buy The Field - Part 1

Season #1

Have you ever felt imprisoned by circumstances, by situations beyond your control and you're doing your best to obey God, but nothing seems to be working out? In today's episode, we're taking a look at a man in the...
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