The PrayFull Project

The PrayFull Project

Hosted by: Pastor Jeff McKee

Are you the effective and confident Christian you should be? Most believers have no plan for spiritual growth. In these episodes, we'll dig through and apply God's Word to help you correct that. "Study to shew thyself...


Episode 102 – A Point of Singularity

Season #1

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Episode 103 – The Ages to Come

Season #1

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Episode 101 – Prepared People

Season #1

Paul is clear in 2 Thessalonians 2 that the Antichrist will appear things only after the Church has been raptured to be with Christ. So what does this mean? We need to be about the Lord's work and be ready for His...
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Episode 100 – The Middle East and Me

Season #1

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Episode 99 – Beyond the Giants – Part 3

Season #1

Those 10 spies who were sent out to the Promised Land were depending upon their physical senses and not enough upon the promises God had given them—that they would inherit the land because God said so. They were...
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Episode 98 – Beyond the Giants – Part 2

Season #1

Do you ever need a reminder that God's going to work through your circumstances? In Part 2 of the series, "Beyond the Giants", Pastor Jeff reminds us that facing giants is a regular part of our spiritual walk. We...
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Episode 97 – Beyond the Giants – Part 1

Season #1

The stories of victory throughout the Bible are an encouragement to us as believers who live in a fallen, sinful world. Many times we face opposition, giants of a kind, and we often look forward to how God will...
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Episode 96 – The Only Disciple Jesus Loved

Season #1

Pastor Jeff encourages us in Episode 96 to have such a close relationship with Jesus that it feels as if we are the only one that He loves. We know that Jesus doesn't play favorites, but oftentimes we forfeit the...
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Episode 95 – In Dependence

Season #1

Independence is a beautiful gift, especially considering the blessing it is to live in a free country. At times in our lives we can become independent from God, but He wants us (plus, we need to be, and in reality we...
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Episode 94 – Too Comfortable with God

Season #1

We can rest in the reality that we are saved and God calls us friend; however, we should also remember that we worship the Sovereign. God is our friend, but He is Lord and Master, and we should approach Him with...
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Episode 93 – My Friend

Season #1

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Episode 92 – Again

Season #1

Forgiveness is something we each have experienced in Christ—what an amazing gift it is! Even so, at times we find it difficult to forgive others. Pastor Jeff challenges us with the reality that Jesus teaches: forgive...
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