The PrayFull Project

The PrayFull Project

Hosted by: Pastor Jeff McKee

Are you the effective and confident Christian you should be? Most believers have no plan for spiritual growth. In these episodes, we'll dig through and apply God's Word to help you correct that. "Study to shew thyself...


Episode 7: Jesus' To-Do List

Season #1 Episode #7

When Jesus became Emmanuel (God With Us), He had a specific list of things to accomplish while on the earth. I call this Jesus' to-do list. Though our personal or professional lists may seem important to us, they are...
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Episode 6: The 3 Tactics of Your Enemy - Part 3

Season #1 Episode #6

satan desires the worship and devotion that belongs only to God. He’ll even attempt to make a bargain with you to get it. He tried to convince Jesus that he could grant him all these kingdoms if he would only bow to...
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Episode 5: The 3 Tactics of Your Enemy - Part 2

Season #1 Episode #5

”Cast thyself down.”A quick little fun-fact about the devil: he cannot destroy you by himself! He may want to, but if you are a faithful follower of Christ, you belong to God.Remember, in the book of Job, that the...
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Episode 4: The 3 Tactics of Your Enemy - Part 1

Season #1 Episode #4

When satan sets out to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, He used the same proven tactics he’s been using for generations. And, for the most part, it has worked until now. Satan isn’t all-powerful. He isn’t all-knowing....
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Episode 3: It's Time For A Gut Check

Season #1 Episode #3

It’s time for a gut check! Now, maybe more than ever, and there’s a particular passage in the Bible that emphasizes this quite graphically. In Exodus the 12th chapter, we learn about the first Passover instituted by...
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Episode 2: The One Thing Needed in 21'

Season #1 Episode #2

One primary thing is necessary to be the victorious Christian God desires for us to be. That one thing? The Abiding Presence of the Holy Spirit. Through His Spirit, God has introduced us to Christ, convicted us of...
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Episode 1: All The Fulness of God

Season #1 Episode #1

It’s amazing to me how many Christians live so far below God’s ideal for them. He has given so much, and we experience so little. He desires so much more for us! Paul’s prayer for every Christian (of course, it’s the...
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