The PrayFull Project

The PrayFull Project

Hosted by: Pastor Jeff McKee

Are you the effective and confident Christian you should be? Most believers have no plan for spiritual growth. In these episodes, we'll dig through and apply God's Word to help you correct that. "Study to shew thyself...


#19: Episode 19: On the Savior's Side - Part 1

Season #1

In this week's podcast episode, we revisit a sermon I recently preached called, "On the Savior's Side," and take an in-depth look at the events of the crucifixion and what it means when the soldier pierced the side of...
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Episode 18: It's Time to Move

Season #1 Episode #18

There are seasons where God allows us to walk through things that mature and strengthen our faith.The growth of our faith cannot happen through stagnant Christianity or apathetic living. We must be challenged on a...
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Episode 17: Embracing the Already

Season #1 Episode #17

Do you believe that what God has spoken is already settled? Jesus said in 3 of the gospels, "Heaven and earth may pass away, but my word will never pass away." It is forever settled—already—in Heaven.Hebrews 11:13 -...
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Episode 16: What if God Doesn't

Season #1 Episode #16

What if God doesn't?It doesn't take a great deal of faith to trust God when He delivers us from difficult circumstances. But what about when He doesn't? When things don't go how we think they should? It takes a great...
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Episode 15: The Irresistible Word of God - Part 2

Season #1 Episode #15

Psalms 33:9 - "For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast."As we continue from Part 1 (be sure and listen to that episode, if you haven't already), we need to understand this truth: God is going to...
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Episode 14: The Irresistible Word of God - Part 1

Season #1 Episode #14

Psalms 33:9 - "For he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast."The power of God's word caused the entire universe to come into existence! God's word will ultimately have its way. It will be fulfilled...
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Episode 13: Dumber Than a Post

Season #1 Episode #13

Isaiah 6:4 NKJV - "And the posts of the door were shaken by the voice of him who cried out, and the house was filled with smoke."Before he died, King Uzziah had become arrogant and prideful—he became careless and...
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Episode 12: If We Hold

Season #1 Episode #12

One of the great strengths of the 1st century church, in the New Testament: they knew what they believed and they believed what they knew. By remaining strong in the faith, we will be unshakeable when faced with...
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Episode 11: The Miracle is in the Breaking

Season #1 Episode #11

Brokenness is God's gift to you.Does that sound counterintuitive? It's not!During the Last Supper, "the Lord Jesus took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and said, 'This is my body,...
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Episode 10: Prayer That Spares

Season #1 Episode #10

Intercessor: a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer.In today's episode, we look at Abraham's intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah and how—through his prayer—he persuaded God to spare the...
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Episode 9: You Can't Afford NOT To!

Season #1 Episode #9

What is the one thing you can't afford not to do? PRAY!While it may seem obvious that professing believers should pray, it's also one of the most neglected aspects of the Christian walk.Listen in as Pastor Jeff goes...
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Episode 8: Perfect Peace

Season #1 Episode #8

In this week's episode, we are discussing Perfect Peace.Isaiah 26:1-4 KJV - "In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. Open ye...
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