Episode 57: Buy The Field - Part 2

Season #1

In today's episode, we're jumping into part two of a message entitled Buy The Field. I would encourage you, if you haven't already, to make sure you listen to part one of this message. It'll probably make a little bit more sense. In the book of Jeremiah, Jeremiah is commanded by God to buy a field, a piece of property, and there are certain elements of that story that parallels the story of our savior.


Well, Jeremiah obeyed God's command but things didn't turn out quite like Jeremiah might have expected, and he ended up in a place and a situation he never wanted to be in. But that wasn't the end of Jeremiah's story. Jeremiah was in the hands of the Potter.


"And as long as it is in the hands of the Potter. No matter where you are today, no matter what mistakes, no matter how bad your life is, as long as you'll surrender it to the hands of the Potter, he can make it again."