Episode 5: The 3 Tactics of Your Enemy - Part 2

Season #1 Episode #5

”Cast thyself down.”

A quick little fun-fact about the devil: he cannot destroy you by himself! He may want to, but if you are a faithful follower of Christ, you belong to God.

Remember, in the book of Job, that the devil had to get God’s permission to torment Job. Strangely enough, it was God that suggested it. He also only “allowed” the enemy to go so far. The devil was never able to take Job’s life.

So, Satan’s only option is to tempt you to do it. Spiritual suicide. “Cast thyself down.” He will pressure and push until we feel we are out of options and throw in the towel. He wants you to quit. He wants you to walk away. He would love nothing more than to see your faith destroyed and your life ineffective for God.

The devil will distract you from what’s really important by appealing to the here and now