Embracing The Already
Apr 04, 2022
Embracing The Already
Hebrews 11:13 (KJV)
"These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of [them], and embraced [them], and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth."
Pay careful attention to the word "embraced" in the Scripture above. But before we explore this word, let us start where the verse begins, "These all died in faith." To the careless observer, this sounds like defeat and discouragement. On the surface, it seems as if their faith was in vain. "Not having received the promises." That doesn't sound particularly positive.
Try not to be so quick to judge, though. The temporary earthly life wasn't the priority of these strangers and pilgrims.
For them, it wasn't about the here and now. So there was something much more important.
Answers don't always measure faith. But, to be honest, I don't believe this is ever the measurement of faith. I believe faith is simply a measurement itself of our faithfulness to God. With God being completely faithful, we have a measure of faith. Faith then has more to do with our trust in God than observable results.
So please don't misunderstand; results come, but not always the way we envision.
READ LUKE 18:1-8
In Luke eighteen, Jesus tells of a widow and an unjust judge, but he clarifies His purpose before He tells the story.
Luke 18:1 (KJV) "And he spake a parable unto them [to this end], that men ought always to pray, and not to faint." (Emphasis mine)
Always pray and do not faint.
At the end of this story, Jesus makes the moral clear by asking, "Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8, Emphasis mine)
Will Jesus find faith in us when He returns?
It would be logical to conclude that faith has much to do with holding on despite the current circumstance. So, going back to our pilgrims in Hebrews eleven, what was special about their faith?
Having seen the promises afar off, they embraced them. What did they embrace? The promises of God.
They lived and believed as if it was an already settled fact. If God said it, it was a done deal.
- Abraham takes his son Isaac up the mountain to offer him to God, not knowing there was a ram already prepared as a substitute. (Genesis 22)
- Moses leads Israel into the wilderness with no guarantee of food and water. But God was already with them to be their supply. (Exodus)
- Jesus multiplies fish and bread to feed the multitudes even though the disciples had no idea how it would be possible.
We sing a song in our church entitled, "He's Already Provided." I suppose that would be a good word for this occasion, "already."
The strangers and pilgrims of Hebrews eleven "embraced the already!"
Are you embracing the already? Are you trusting the perfect faithfulness of your loving God? Try it today. Place your cares into His hands and experience what The Lord has already prepared for you.
Romans 4:17 (KJV) "...[even] God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were." (Emphasis mine)
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